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Epidemic May Promote the Online and Digital Transformation of Smart Home
Epidemic May Promote the Online and Digital Transformation of Smart Home
The fast growth of the Internet, IOT, AI, cloud computing, big data and other technologies, smart home in China has greeted with its new era. As a vital part of IOT industry, smart home gradually gains weight in the industry. People wake up to the convenience of smart home as the epidemic comes, which stimulates the market demand.



Home appliances are no longer cold furnishings, but personalized smart products that are endowed with aesthetic and emotional needs. As a new industry, smart home, with non-contact interaction mode, brings a safe and intelligent life experience to the people during the epidemic, and its advantages begin to become prominent. According to the survey, the eight major market segments of China's smart home companies are sorted out. The data show that smart lighting, smart home appliances, and building intercom and related companies account for a relatively high proportion, which is up to 77%, 9%, and 7% respectively. In addition, home security and smart audio and video are also favored by the market.
Although it develops relatively late, the conditions of China's smart home industry have been basically mature, and many regions are also catch up with the trend to develop smart home. According to the data, there are currently many smart home enterprises in Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces, and the number of enterprises in Guangdong is far ahead, accounting for 26.5% of the total.



With such huge market demand and business layout of smart homes, however, there has been not a single large-scale company specializing in smart home so far. From the perspective of registered capital, most companies involved in smart homes have a registered capital of less than 5 million yuan, while those with a registered capital of more than 50 million are only 2%.


However, a new pattern is currently being formed in the Chinese smart home market. Data show that the brands involved in smart homes are roughly distributed in these six camps: start-ups that mainly promote the smart home systems and smart home hardware; traditional electrical appliance manufacturers represented by Gree, Haier, Midea; communications, mobile phones, smart hardware manufacturers such as Huawei, Xiaomi; Internet platform represented by BAT; e-commerce platform such as Jingdong, Suning; real estate developers such as Greenland and Evergrande.



China is well equipped with the favored conditions for developing artificial intelligent. A growing number of consumers turn their eye on smart home. With the efforts of all industries and sectors, smart home would become the new blue sea in the development of IOT.
To keep abreast with the trend, you need to stay in touch with the latest information. Here we are providing you with the SHB 2020 expo, a platform to let you showcase your quality home appliances to buyers across China! 
2020 China Smart Homes & Buildings Expo (SHB 2020)
Date: December 21st-23rd, 2020
Venue: Poly World Trade Center Expo
Contact: Ms Trista Chan 